
The New International Encyclopædia/Lieblein, Jens Daniel Carolus

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Edition of 1905. See also Jens Lieblein on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1215975The New International Encyclopædia — Lieblein, Jens Daniel Carolus

LIEBLEIN, lēb'līn, Jens Daniel Carolus (1827—). A Norwegian Egyptologist, born at Christiania. He studied in the University of Christiania, at Berlin under Brugsch and Lepsius, in Paris and Turin at the expense of the State, and later at London and Leyden. He was made professor at Christiania in 1870. As representative of Norway he was present at the opening of the Suez Canal (1869), and traveled in Egypt again in 1887-88 and 1899-1900. His earliest publication was Aegyptische Chronologie (1863), which did much to systematize that branch, especially in the sequel; Recherches sur la chronologie egyptienne d'après les listes généalogiques (1873). His other works include: Dictionnaire des noms hieroglyphiques, en ordre généalogique et alphabetique (1871), which is supplemented by Hieroglyphisches Namenwörterbuch (1891); Gammelægyptisk Religion (1883-85); Handel und Schiffahrt auf dem rothen Meere in alten Zeiten (1886); Le livre égyptien: Que mon nom fleurisse (1895).